FPSO backup testadminequipay2023-05-24T17:58:17+00:00 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 4 Client Specific Intake (to be updated before the client interview is conducted) Business Name Business Zip Code Your Telephone Your Email * Business Website/ Facebook or LinkedIn Page Was your business considered an essential business under the government orders? YesNoDK Business NAICS Code 11-Agriculture,Forestry,Fishing & Hunting21-Mining,Quarrying and Oil & Gas ExtractionBusiness NAICS Code 22-Utilities23-Construction31 to 33-Manufacturing42-Wholesale Trade44 To 45-Retail Trade48 to 49-Transportation & Warehousing51-Information52-Finance & Insurance53-Real Estate and Rental & Leasing54-Professional,Scientific & Technical Services55-Management Of Companies & Enterprises56-Administrative & Support and Waste Management & Remediation Services61-Educational Services62-Health Care & Social Assistance71-Arts, Entertainment and Recreation72-Accommodation and Food Services81-Other Services (Except Public Administration)92-Public Administration111120-Oilseed (except Soybean) Farming111191-Oilseed and Grain Combination Farming111199-All Other Grain Farming111219-Other Vegetable (except Potato) and Melon Farming111310-Orange Groves Brief Business Description (~50 words) Brief Business Description (~50 words) Oilseed (except Soybean) Farming-This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in growing fibrous oilseed producing plants and/or producing oilseed seeds, such as sunflower, safflower, flax, rape, canola, and sesame. Cross-References. Establishments primarily engaged in.Oilseed and Grain Combination Farming-This U.S. industry comprises establishments engaged in growing a combination of oilseed(s) and grain(s) with no one oilseed (or family of oilseeds) or grain (or family of grains) accounting for one-half of the establishment's agricultural production (value of crops for market). These establishments may produce oilseed(s) and grain(s) seeds and/or grow oilseed(s) and grain(s). Cross-References.All Other Grain Farming-This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in growing grains and/or producing grain(s) seeds (except wheat, corn, rice, and oilseed(s) and grain(s) combinations). Illustrative Examples: Barley farming Sorghum farming Oat farming Wild rice farming Rye farming Cross-References. Establishments primarily engaged in.Other Vegetable (except Potato) and Melon Farming-This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in one or more of the following: (1) growing melons and/or vegetables (except potatoes; dry peas; dry beans; field, silage, or seed corn; and sugar beets); (2) producing vegetable and/or melon seeds; and (3) growing vegetable and/or melon bedding plants. Illustrative Examples: Carrot farming Squash farming Green bean farming Tomato farming Watermelon farming Melon farming (e.g., cantaloupe, casaba, honeydew, watermelon) Vegetable (except potato) farming Pepper farming (e.g., bell, chili, green, red, sweet peppers) Cross-References. Establishments primarily engaged in.Orange Groves-This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in growing oranges. Key Product / Service 1(Business Segment 1) Key Product / Service 2 (Business Segment 2) Key Product / Service 3 (Business Segment 3) Effected Business Segment (EBS) (must be >10% in 2019) Next Please answer these questions in YES/ NO/ NA A . Business Operations Were you set up to work remote in March 2020 at onset of COVID19? YESNONA More Information (Optional) Visual Text If not, did you have to incur additional expenses on acquiring remote working capability? YESNONA More Information (Optional) Visual Text Did you have to reconfigure office space due to social distancing orders? YESNONA More Information (Optional) Visual Text Did the government orders force you to change or stagger employees’ shifts?YESNONA More Information (Optional) Visual Text Were work hours changed to comply with hygiene/sanitation procedures? YESNONA More Information (Optional) Visual Text Which other changes in operations were needed to adhere to orders? YESNONA More Information (Optional) Visual Text Did employee productivity take a dip through the pandemic? YESNONA More Information (Optional) Visual Text Did you experience increased job costing or higher overtime hours?YESNONA More Information (Optional) Visual Text Did you have to follow or invest in enhanced OSHA guidelines? YESNONA More Information (Optional) Visual Text Was there a need to adhere to CDC guidelines given your industry? YESNONA More Information (Optional) Visual Text Did you extra staff to maintain the 2019 level of productivity? YESNONA More Information (Optional) Visual Text Did travel restriction hurt your business?YESNONA